As thousands of human studies have explored, omega-3 fatty acids are deeply nutritious and seriously beneficial to our bodies and minds.
In Krill Oil, we find two omega-3 fatty acids: EPA and DHA. Both are associated with a host of health benefits: cognitive function, cardiovascular health, feminine health, healthy joints, nourished skin, and improved energy levels. These have been researched in over 8,000 human studies alone, among the most-researched nutritional compounds in the world.
Read on for the 4 key ways that omega-3’s will support your overall health…
1. Mood and Cognitive Health
In May 2014, a review of 19 studies looking at people needing to address mood and emotional health found those who took EPA/DHA alone or alongside medication felt significantly better than those taking a placebo. Another pilot study looked at 30 individuals addressing attention, age 10 to 32, and found that those who took 500 mg of krill oil daily showed a “significant improvement” on measures of self-control and executive function.
2. Blood Sugar Health
The science is young, but some research suggests that, because of its ability to positively affect blood sugar levels, krill oil could play a role in normalizing blood sugar imbalances. One small, recent study found that patients taking 1-1.5 grams of krill oil saw blood sugar levels drop 6.3 percent — twice as much as those taking 3 grams of fish oil. Another 2013 study of 2,200 men followed for 19 years found that those with the highest blood levels of EPA/DHA had a 33 percent lower risk of getting diabetes.
3. Skin Health
Omega 3s plump and hydrate skin cells, dampen redness, and may improve wound healing. One 2014 study of 45 participants with acne found those who took 2,000 mg EPA/DHA for 10 weeks saw lesions reduced significantly. Another examined the skin of 2,919 people and found those with the highest intake of EPA had significantly fewer signs of aging. Astaxanthin, which is present in krill oil, has been shown to protect against sun damage.
4. Healthy Menstrual Cycle
Omega-3s EPA and DHA trigger the secretion of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins and muscle-relaxing hormones and decrease uterine contractions that can cause menstrual pain. One study published in Alternative Medicine Review looked at 70 women suffering from PMS and found those who took krill oil before and during menstruation cut their use of pain medications in half – a significantly greater reduction than those taking fish oil. Krill oil also worked better to manage emotional symptoms and breast tenderness.
Disclaimer: Despite the references provided, the information on this site is intended for educational purposes only. It is not meant to cover all possible precautions, drug interactions, circumstances or adverse effects. Please refer for advise and treatment by a licensed physician.